Why I joined The Institute of Yoga Sports Science®:
I qualified as a Fitness Instructor with Exercise to Music level 2, in 2002, but intense practice without awareness brought about a torn ligament injury which required key hole surgery. My injury experience led me to completing the level 2 Exercise and Fitness Knowledge course, and ultimately to study yoga thanks to my interest in anatomy and physiology.
Practicing yoga transformed my life, meant I could train physically with awareness bringing out the best results. I am a BWY qualified yoga teacher, and having taught for over 10 years and have witnessed my students transform their lives, physically as well as mentally.
Now I feel it is time to bridge the gap between yoga and science, and where better to start than with YSS.
Once I Qualify as a Yoga Sports Coach™:
My intentions once I qualify as a Yoga Sports Coach will be to apply the knowledge accrued to help the wider community in Harrow and Elstree as well as further afield. My two sons are aspiring professional cricketers, and I would like to help their training as marginal gains in sport can make all the difference. For other athletes, I hope to help them gain more from their training and mental disciple, to tap into their potential with safety and awareness.