with Hayley Winter
Courses Will Be Held At Our New York Campus
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The Science of Yoga Sequencing
Want to inject new energy into your yoga sessions, improve
your sequencing skills and attract more yoga students
to your classes?
This workshop introduces you to the art and a science of
designing a safe, innovative and memorable yoga session that has your yoga students coming back for more.
You will learn to design yoga sequences based on biomechanical principles that have a creative flow helping your students progress safely in their practice and enjoy your new techniques. You will gain confidence in your teaching as you learn how to apply scientific principles that enhance your teaching style.
This course awards 3 Continuing Educational Credits to members of the Yoga Alliance.
3 Hour Course: held at our New York Campus
Date: Sat : Jan 28th
Time: 2.oo - 5.00 pm.
with Hayley Winter

Early Bird before Jan 7th : $55 Late Bird: $65
Maximum students: 14

This course is open to yoga teachers and students of yoga
Students studying on the YSS Training courses and graduate Yoga Sports Coachesâ„¢ are invited to attend
this course for free. Limted places available.
Teaching Yoga to Athletes:
2 Day Foundation Course
2 Day Course: held at our New York Campus
with Hayley Winter

The focus for this foundation course is to open up a whole new world of possibilities for you in the areas of yoga and sport. When you train with Hayley Winter and the team at the Institute of Yoga Sports Science® the knowledge and skills you gain will go beyond a typical asana practice and beyond how you have previously applied yoga. This course introduces you to the key principles of teaching yoga to athletes.
This course does not qualify you to teach but provides an excellent groundwork for those students who go on and take our 200 Hour Diploma.
Course Content:
Discussion on the future of yoga in sport
Breathing for sports-specific demands
Understanding anatomical planes of movement in relation to sport
Deconstruct key yoga postures to benefit athletes movement patterns
Reconstruct postures with teaching emphasis on biomechanical principles to make yoga poses relevant to athletes
Enhance your cueing skills
Explore how common injuries occur in sport and how yoga reduces the risk of injury
Practical, theory and group work.
The course will include anatomical, sport-specific resources and performance analysis software to support students learning.
This course awards 7 Continuing Educational Credits to members of the Yoga Alliance.
Students applying to join our YSS 200 Hour training in March will receive a discount of $150 when their fees are paid in full and in advance of the course start date.
Date: Sat: / Sun : 11th / 12th Feb
Time: 9:3o am - 5:30 pm.
Early Bird before Jan 28th : $300 Late Bird: $375

This course is suitable for yoga teachers, yoga students, personal trainers, physiotherapists, athletes, and practitioners of yoga who want to understand how to start applying the science of yoga to athletes.