I am a musculoskeletal physiotherapist specialising in sports injuries. My interest in the physiological effects of the mind-body link on connective tissues has given me a unique approach in managing injury and dysfunction in the body. I have developed a special interest in studying the link between the body’s muscular slings and the movements utilised in yoga. I have been using the principles of yoga, specifically efficiency of movement and breathing practice, to treat and rehabilitate athletes who seek to enhance their performance. The Yoga Sports Science® approach has underpinned my clinical use of yoga with a scientific methodology.
My affiliation with the Yoga Sports Science® program has given me the opportunity to implement a Sport-Specific Yoga intervention for CrossFit athletes. As an enthusiastic CrossFit athlete myself I have used yoga sport specific techniques during my training with great gains in performance.
YSS Case Study Research: Rock Climbing
Aim: To determine if an individualised 9 weeks Yoga Sport Science® programme could affect movement efficiency of the lower limb kinetic chain in a climber specialising in bouldering.
Subject: 31 year old indoor rock climber specialising in bouldering and aiming to improve his footwork to consistently climb at higher grades.
Conclusion: The lower limb kinetics of a boulderer improved with a 9 week sport specific yoga intervention. Breathing and visualisation was reported to have helped mental focus and task-orientated decision making. Further studies are necessary to substantiate these preliminary results.
I hope to publish my preliminary results to bring attention to the benefit this program could have on sporting performance. My goal is to get involved in further research in the field of Yoga Sports Science®. A particular area of interest is the impact of visualisation on neuromuscular control in sport.
Other Training Specialisms
Musculo-skeletal and Sports Physiotherapy
Myofascial Release
Functional Fitness screening.
YSS Faculty Member
Annelize is the Consultant Physiotherapist for YSS and a Senior Tutor.
As a YSS Tutor and member of YSS Academic Faculty, she shares her wealth of experience and expertise, not only from within YSS, but also as a Chartered Physiotherapist.
She has a Masters in Orthopaedic Medicine, as well as extensive experience of neuro-musculoskeletal physiotherapy and sports rehabilitation and first-contact management through her work in the Ministry of Defence and private practice.